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Quick Multiple Format/Copy/Verify for Diskettes
Sydex, Inc.
P.O. Box 5700
Eugene, OR 97405
Voice: (503) 683-6033
FAX: (503) 683-1622
Data: (503) 683-1385
Table of Contents
What is CopyQM?..............................................1
Getting Started..............................................5
CopyQM Operation.............................................7
CopyQM Command Line Syntax...................................8
Basic Operating Options....................................10
Specifying A Different Drive for Reading...................11
Display and Sounds.........................................11
Converting Between Formats.................................12
Memory Usage...............................................13
Formatting and Verifying...................................14
Diskette Image Files.......................................15
Blind Mode.................................................17
"Shelling Out" Between Copies..............................18
Miscellaneous Options......................................18
The COPYQM Environment Variable............................19
Locating Temporary Files...................................20
Command Examples...........................................20
Differences from Earlier Versions...........................21
Memory Usage................................................22
Diskette Image Files........................................23
Copying Modes...............................................24
Format Conversion...........................................25
Copy Verification...........................................25
Checking Copies.............................................26
Audible Signals.............................................26
"Smart" Formatting..........................................27
Quick Mode Copying..........................................27
Display Color Set...........................................28
Status Messages.............................................28
The ICOMMENT Utility........................................32
Specifying a Diskette Configuration.........................33
A Quick Diskette Duplicator for Multiple Drives
Copyright 1993
Sydex, Incorporated
P.O. Box 5700
Eugene, OR 97405
(503) 683-6033
What is CopyQM?
If you're eager to get going with CopyQM, skip to the section
titled "Getting Started".
Basically, CopyQM duplicates diskettes in a single pass.
Introduced in 1987, CopyQM has been continually improved and up-
dated. It now boasts the largest number of features of any PC-
based diskette duplicating package.
CopyQM reads a master diskette and formats, writes and verifies
duplicates of the master diskette. Copying can be performed on
up to six drives in a single session; copies are written on only
one drive at a time. "No Hands" operation is featured--after
you've started things, you needn't touch the keyboard again; just
insert diskettes in drives as needed.
In addition to the basic operating mode, the basic CopyQM package
features the following:
1. Conversion between different formats. Unlike competing
products which just copy the same format to different
drives, CopyQM actually rebuilds the diskette format to
match the drive. It's possible to convert from a 360K
format to a 1.44M format. And the result is a "real"
1.44MB diskette with 1.44MB worth of diskette space.
2. Support of diskette image files. An image file created
by CopyQM is a complete description of the information
on a diskette. A comment may be included in the file
with CopyQM's built-in editor. The image file is check-
summed with a 32-bit CRC.
Introduction 1
3. Copying of Apple Macintosh HD and DOS diskettes with no
special processing. CopyQM will copy most PC-readable
diskettes regardless of format with the "Blind" option.
However, CopyQM will not copy low-density Apple Macin-
tosh 800K diskettes.
4. Formatting of diskettes only when needed with "SMART"
mode option.
5. Faster copying by copying only active data--the empty
area on a partially-filled diskette is not copied.
6. Verifying of copies can be performed in several modes,
ranging from none to a byte-by-byte comparison of
copied data with the master diskette.
7. Selection of menu or command-line interface with com-
plete on-line help.
8. Choice of direct hardware controller access or use of
BIOS routines.
CopyQM is also offered in a commercial "Plus" package with the
following features:
1. Support of ASCII or binary serial numbering of copies.
2. Insertion of copy-protection information into copies.
3. Maintenance of a diskette usage log.
4. Diskette maintenance utility.
5. Creation of self-extracting diskette image files.
6. Execution of DOS commands or custom code overlays after
each copy for support of labeling or auto-feeder
2 Introduction
CopyQM will not:
* Write copies on more than one drive simultaneously.
However, Sydex does offer SyDupe, which will write on
up to three diskette drives at the same time. For more
information on SyDupe, please contact Sydex.
* Copy proprietary (e.g., Amiga, Apple ][, Atari 820) or
copy-protected formats.
* Copy individual files. The smallest unit of informa-
tion that CopyQM can deal with is an entire diskette.
* Copy one hard disk to another. CopyQM is a diskette-
copying utility.
* Copy individual files from a hard disk to a diskette.
CopyQM is fast--in most cases it will copy at the best-case
theoretical speed. The primary limitation in any diskette opera-
tion is the time that it takes the diskette to complete one
revolution. Our timings indicate that CopyQM can format, copy
and verify a full 360K diskette in about 50 seconds. Larger
capacity diskettes will, of course, require more time.
At a minimum, the following four files are necessary for opera-
tion of CopyQM:
CINSTALL.EXE installs CopyQM.
COPYQM.EXE implements the primary functions needed for dis-
kette copying.
CQMENU.EXE contains a menu interface and all on-line help.
VIEWCONF.EXE is a utility to display the diskette configura-
tion information being used by CopyQM.
Introduction 3
Other text and program files may be present which describe the
operation of CopyQM or support additional features, but the four
files mentioned above are essential for successful operation.
In almost all cases, CopyQM will be able to determine the con-
figuration of a system without any sort of intervention. Unusual
or special disk drive configurations, however, may require that
the configuration be explicitly specified. For more information
on how to construct a configuration file for all Sydex utilities,
consult the section titled "Specifying a Diskette Configuration"
near the end of this document.
CopyQM requires the following operating environment for execu-
1. An IBM PC-compatible with an 8088, 80286, 80386 or
80486 processor. Other system operating environments,
such as PC emulation on non-PC systems (e.g., Commodore
Amiga or Apple Macintosh) may work, but operation under
them is not supported by Sydex.
2. PC-DOS or MS-DOS Version 3.3 or later. CopyQM has been
successfully tested in a DOS session under IBM OS/2 Ver-
sions 1.3 and 2.1, but OS/2 operation is not supported
by Sydex. Other DOS-compatible systems such as
Novell's DR-DOS or The Software Link's PC-MOS may
result in successful operation, but these have not been
fully tested by Sydex.
3. At least 256K of available base memory, sometimes
referred to as "RAM".
4. A hard disk with at least 2MB of free space for tem-
porary files created by CopyQM.
5. At least one diskette drive local to the system running
CopyQM. Network diskette drives are not supported.
CopyQM does not require, but can make use of the following:
1. Extended memory that is managed by an XMS-compatible
memory manager such as Microsoft's HIMEM.SYS or
Quarterdeck's QEMM.
4 Requirements
2. Expanded memory, or LIM (Lotus-Intel-Microsoft), that
is managed by a a driver that is compliant with EMS 4.0
or later.
3. Additional diskette adapters. Sydex has tested the
Micro Solutions Compaticard I, II and IV adapters. Cer-
tain non-standard diskette adapters, such as the IBM
PS/2 5.25" Diskette Adapter/A or the Micro Solutions
Backpack tm drive may require that the BIOS interface
option of CopyQM be selected.
CopyQM will operate under Microsoft's Windowstm or Quarterdeck's
Desqviewtm. However, because diskette copying is a time-critical
application, performance under any multi-tasking environment will
be degraded somewhat. The actual amount of the degradation
depends on several factors, including the scheduling algorithms
used by the multitasking software. Use of the BIOS interface op-
tion is recommended.
Executing more than one copy of CopyQM under control of a multi-
tasking executive, such as Windows is not recommended. Severe
performance degradation will result. If two sets of diskette
copies are required, running two CopyQM sessions consecutively
will result in significantly better performance than attempting
to execute the sessions concurrently. For efficient concurrent
operation on several diskette drives, contact Sydex about the
SyDupe duplicating package.
CopyQM will support a total configuration of up to twelve dis-
kette drives. A CopyQM session can make use of up to seven dis-
kette drives--one for reading and six for writing.
Getting Started
To install CopyQM, execute the CINSTALL program. CINSTALL will
copy all necessary files and perform several system checks re-
lated to CopyQM execution. For example, if CopyQM is to be in-
stalled from drive A:, enter the following command at the DOS
Requirements 5
If you're using a portable computer with an LCD display, you may
want to select a monochrome color set to improve display
In most cases, this is all that will be required to get CopyQM up
and running.
First-time users should execute CopyQM through the menu interface
furnished by CQMenu. Entering the following command at a DOS com-
mand prompt will initiate execution of CQMenu:
CQMenu displays a menu and translates the menu choices into a com-
mand line for CopyQM. After all selections have been made,
COPYQM.EXE is located and read into memory overlaying CQMenu.
CQMenu also contains a full on-line help facility for CopyQM.
Help related to the current selected menu item can be obtained by
pressing F1. In addition, a general help facility which
describes command-line syntax and configuration file setup can be
displayed by pressing F1 a second time.
All of the features of CopyQM are not available through CQMenu's
interface. Some of the more obscure facilities are accessible
only through the DOS command line interface to CopyQM.
On-line help is available for the command-line syntax of CopyQM
by entering the following command:
6 Getting Started
CopyQM Operation
Once menu selections have been made from CQMenu or the command
line for CopyQM has been entered, CopyQM begins execution. Opera-
tion of CopyQM is divided into two phases, reading the master dis-
kette or image file, and writing the copies or diskette image
Because CopyQM continuously accesses diskette drives to obtain
their operating status, diskette changes are permitted when drive
lights are illuminated. In addition, since CopyQM is sensitive
to drive changes, it may be necessary to remove a diskette and
then re-insert it into the same drive to indicate to CopyQM that
a change has occurred.
When a diskette or image file is being read, a box corresponding
to the drive currently being accessed is shown containing a mes-
sage indicating the status of the current operation. If the ES-
Cape key is pressed before CopyQM is able to read the master dis-
kette, execution terminates and CopyQM exits to DOS.
A summary of information relating to the diskette is also shown.
Sector size indicates the size in bytes of each sector.
Sectors/track specifies the number of sectors that occur on each
track. Sides reports either 1 for single-sided formats, or 2 for
double-sided. Density can show values of low for double-density
(360K and 720K), high for high density (1.2M and 1.44M), or ex-
tended for 2.88M media. Data cylinders indicates the number of
cylinders containing active data. The amount of memory used to
hold the data from the diskette is also shown.
The DOS volume label name, or the first 11 characters of an Apple
Macintosh volume label is shown. If no volume label can be
found, "** NONE **" is displayed.
If creation of a diskette image file has been requested, the file
is written after the diskette has been completed. If the conver-
sion option has been specified, a temporary diskette image file
will be written and the requested conversion will be performed as
the image file is read back into memory.
If copying to diskettes has been requested, the following prompt
will be displayed:
CopyQM Operation 7
Enter copy count (ESCape to exit) -
Between 1 and 9,999 copies may be requested; after the desired
number is entered, the Enter key is pressed. If the ESCape key
is pressed instead, CopyQM will exit to DOS.
After the master diskette or image file has been read and
processed, CopyQM begins the writing phase.
Up to six drives can be shown on the writing status display.
Note that only those drives which support the diskette format cur-
rently being copied are shown. For example, if a high-density
5.25" (1.2M) master diskette were being copied, only drives
capable of high-density support would be displayed.
The "thermometer" bar displayed when writing diskettes shows the
progress of the copy operation. A solid, red bar indicates that
active data is being transferred; a hatched, green bar indicates
that an inactive area is being formatted.
When all requested copies have been completed, the following mes-
sage appears:
All copies done. Press any key to continue...
If the ESCape key is pressed before all copies have been written,
the following message appears:
ESCape pressed. Press any key to continue...
If the ESCape key is pressed again, CopyQM exits to DOS. Any
other key causes CopyQM to request the next master diskette for
CopyQM Command Line Syntax
In order to get an idea of how to use CopyQM, consider the follow-
ing hypothetical PC setup:
8 CopyQM Operation
Drive A: is a 1.44M 3.5" diskette drive
Drive B: is a 1.2M 5.25" diskette drive
Drive C: is a hard disk
Drive D: is a 1.44M 3.5" diskette drive
Drive E: is a 1.2M 5.25" diskette drive
The following commands illustrate how to construct commands to
perform most common copying tasks:
1. Copy a 3.5" diskette using one drive:
2. Copy a 5.25" diskette using one drive:
3. Copy a 5.25" diskette using two drives for writing:
4. Copy a 5.25" 360K diskette to 3.5" 720K diskette:
5. Copy a 3.5" diskette using pre-formatted diskettes:
6. Make an image file (MYIMAGE) of a 3.5" diskette:
7. Make a 3.5" diskette from an image file (MYIMAGE):
8. Make one copy each of a set of 3.5" diskettes:
Command Line Syntax 9
In general, the format of a CopyQM command is:
COPYQM <drives> <options>
Where <drives> are drive letters (each followed by a colon) and
<options> are either single words or a word followed by an equals
sign (=) and a value.
Many options are available with CopyQM. What follows is a descrip-
tion of all options, grouped by function. For more examples of
command lines, consult the section titled COMMAND LINE EXAMPLES.
Some options require a value; others do not. A value may be as-
signed to an option by following the option with an equals sign
(=) and the value. For example, the COUNT option, which controls
the number of copies to be made, requires a value. COUNT=10
specifies that 10 copies will be made.
Most options also have an abbreviation which can be used instead
of the full spelling. Thus, WRITEPROTECT, which causes CopyQM to
make sure that the master diskette is write-protected, can be ab-
breviated as WR.
Basic Operating Options
These options change, in a basic way, the manner in which CopyQM
BIOS specifies that the system BIOS should be used for dis-
kette access. Normally, the controller hardware is
directly accessed by CopyQM, but operation under some
multi-tasking environments, such as Microsoft Windows
may require that this option be specified. The word
BIOS can be abbreviated as BI.
BLIND specifies that CopyQM should not consider the content
of the diskette to be copied, but only its format.
This option is useful when the diskette to be copied
was not created on a DOS or Apple Macintosh system, or
has a non-standard boot sector. Caution: If a DOS dis-
kette produces the Not a DOS Diskette error message,
this may indicate that the diskette contains a boot sec-
10 Command Line Syntax
tor virus. Before switching to BLIND copying, use any
of the commercially available virus scanning packages
to determine that the diskette does not contain a
BLIND may be abbreviated as BL. To control the way in which
BLIND mode processes a diskette, see the section titled
CHECK disables the writing of copies and enables a byte-by-
byte comparison of copies with a master diskette. Use
CHECK to verify that a diskette is a true unmodified
copy of the original master. CHECK may be abbreviated
as CH.
HELP or /HELP gets this on-line help display. H and /H will
also activate the CopyQM help display.
Specifying A Different Drive for Reading
CopyQM normally uses the first drive specified to read the master
diskette. However, there are some situations where the drive
used for reading should not be used for writing the copies.
SOURCE specifies the drive to be used to read the master dis-
kette. For example SOURCE=A: indicates that drive A:
should be used to read the master diskette. Unless the
same drive occurs in the drive list portion of the
CopyQM command line, it will not be used for writing.
SOURCE may be abbreviated to SO.
Display and Sounds
These options control the appearance of the display or the use of
the PC's speaker:
MONO forces CopyQM to use a monochrome color set for all dis-
plays. Normally, CopyQM will detect the presence of
monochrome-only displays and change its operation ac-
cordingly. However, some lap-top systems with LCD or
plasma displays may give a more readable display if
this option is used. MONO may be abbreviated as MO.
Command Line Syntax 11
NAG activates a "wake-up!" audio signal. If approximately
20 seconds of inactivity occur, a short tone will be
sounded every 20 seconds until some action has been
SILENT specifies that no audible signaling should be used at
all. This is useful in environments where noise must
be kept to a minimum, such as in a crowded office.
SILENT may be abbreviated as SIL.
NOPAUSE disables a "Press any key to continue" message after
the master diskette has been read and between each set
of copies. The pause is normally inserted to give the
user an opportunity to read any important status mes-
sages before the screen is erased. NOPAUSE may be ab-
breviated to NOP.
Converting Between Formats
The CONVERT option may be used to change the format of a master
diskette and may be used with all copying modes; NORMAL, RECORD
CONVERT specifies that the data on the master diskette is to
be converted to a different format. A target format
must be specified with this option and can be 360K,
720K, 1.2M, 1.44M or 2.88M. The diskette drive used
for writing must be capable of supporting the target
format. Thus, specifying CONVERT=360K when using a
3.5" DSDD master diskette will cause the data from this
diskette to be re-formatted for writing to a 5.25" DSDD
(360K) diskette.
The exact nature of the re-formatting operation depends
on whether or not the BLIND option has been specified.
If a normal DOS-mode copy is being done, the boot sec-
tor and file allocation tables from the master diskette
are modified to conform to the new format and the
result will be a readable DOS diskette. It is impor-
tant that the amount of data on the master diskette fit
the new format. In other words, don't try to pour a
quart of data into a pint-sized diskette.
12 Command Line Syntax
If, on the other hand, the BLIND copy option has been
specified, no alteration of the data read from the
master diskette is performed. Data is simply "re-
packed" into the appropriate-sized tracks on the target
diskette. In this context, Apple Macintosh HD dis-
kettes are considered to be "blind" copies.
Each target format has the following characteristics:
360K 40 tracks, 5.25" DSDD, 9 512-byte sectors
720K 80 tracks, 3.5" DSDD, 9 512-byte sectors
1.2M 80 tracks, 5.25" DSHD, 15 512-byte sectors
1.44M 80 tracks, 3.5" DSHD, 18 512-byte sectors
2.88M 80 tracks, 3.5" DSED, 36 512-byte sectors
CONVERT may be abbreviated as CON.
Memory Usage
Several options control how memory is used by CopyQM. Normally,
CopyQM stores data from the master diskette first in main memory,
then, after main memory has been used up, XMS (extended memory)
is used if it is present. If no XMS is present, or if it cannot
contain the remainder of the diskette data, EMS (expanded memory)
is used. Finally, a hard disk file is created to hold any ex-
cess. The location of this hard disk file can be controlled by
setting either the TEMP or CQTEMP environment variables to the
drive and path name of a hard disk subdirectory. For example, to
specify that CopyQM should create its temporary files in the
directory called MYDIR on the C: drive, the following DOS state-
ment could be placed in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
The setting of the CQTEMP environment variable takes precedence
over the setting of TEMP.
The NOEMS option specifies that EMS (expanded memory) must
not be used by CopyQM. This option can be used when
EMS is to be reserved for use by other programs.
NOXMS specifies that XMS (extended memory) must not be used
by CopyQM.
Command Line Syntax 13
If both NOEMS and NOXMS are specified, all data that will not fit
into main memory is written to hard disk. If hard disk storage
is not available, an Insufficient Memory error is displayed.
Formatting and Verifying
Several options are available to control the manner in which
CopyQM formats and verifies diskettes.
SMART indicates that CopyQM should assume that the current
diskette is formatted and bypass the formatting opera-
tion. Should an error occur while writing or format-
ting, CopyQM will format the remainder of the diskette
before writing to it. SMART may be abbreviated as SM.
If no errors in the existing format have been detected
at the point where the last cylinder of active data has
been written, CopyQM will end processing of the dis-
kette without checking the remainder of the diskette to
see if it is formatted. However, if CopyQM has begun
formatting after detecting an error in the existing for-
mat, the area between the last cylinder of active data
and the end of the diskette will be formatted unless
the QUICK option (see following) has also been
QUICK specifies that CopyQM should write copies only as far
as the last cylinder containing active data. If QUICK
is specified, no formatting is performed between the
last cylinder of data and the end of the diskette, even
if the diskette is not formatted. This will normally
not affect reading from the diskette, but will inhibit
writing any large amount of data to the diskette if it
has not been pre-formatted. QUICK may be abbreviated
to QU.
COMPARE changes the way in which data just written is
verified. Normally, CopyQM simply reads the written
data back without inspecting its actual content. If a
computer system's hardware is operating correctly, the
probability of an undetected error is vanishingly small
and should suffice for all but the most demanding ap-
plications. If COMPARE is specified, data is read back
14 Command Line Syntax
from the copy and compared with the data from the
master diskette. The performance of CopyQM will be
degraded somewhat if this option is specified because
of added CPU overhead. COMPARE can be abbreviated as
VERIFY specifies the extent and type of verification of writ-
ten data that should be performed. Normally, CopyQM
verifies data that lies between the start of the dis-
kette and the last cylinder of data, but not between
the last cylinder of data and the end of the diskette.
Specifying VERIFY=ALL, will cause the entire diskette
to be verified by CopyQM.
Specifying VERIFY=NONE will bypass the verification
process for the entire diskette.
VERIFY=DATA is the default which specifies that only
active data will be verified.
VERIFY may be abbreviated as VE; ALL, NONE and DATA may
be abbreviated as A, N and D, respectively.
Diskette Image Files
One of the unique features of CopyQM is its ability to create a
DOS file which represents the exact image of a diskette. To make
a DOS file from a diskette, one records the diskette. Re-
creating the diskette from an image file is called playback. Any
diskette that can be read by CopyQM can be recorded.
In addition, the ability to add a comment to the image file is
offered. An image file's integrity is assured by a cyclical
redundancy checksum (CRC) of the contents of the entire diskette
Diskette image files may be treated just as if they were master
They may be converted to other formats (see the CONVERT option),
and may be serial-numbered (CopyQM Plus only).
Command Line Syntax 15
The RECORD option specifies that a diskette image file is to
be created. A file name must be given with this op-
tion; for example, RECORD=MYFILE would cause a diskette
image to be written to the file called MYFILE. A spe-
cial case occurs when the file name contains one or
more question marks (?). CopyQM starts by substituting
the number zero (0) for each question mark. Before
each diskette image file is recorded, the rightmost
question mark position is increased by one and the
resulting file name used to record the next diskette
image. In other words, a file name of A?B?C?D? would
result in image files named A0B0C0D1,
A0B0C0D2...A9B9C9D9. Thus many diskette image files
can be created in a single session. If the file name
given for RECORD is /ASK, a prompt for a file name will
be displayed after each master has been read. RECORD
may be abbreviated to REC.
PLAYBACK does exactly the opposite of what RECORD does--
CopyQM creates diskettes from the diskette image file.
At least one file name is required, but more than one
may be specified if the file names are separated by com-
mas (,). Thus, PLAYBACK=AFILE,BFILE,CFILE would result
in diskettes being created from the files AFILE, BFILE
and CFILE. File name "wild card" characters of "*" and
"?" are permitted to specify more than one file.
CopyQM builds a list of all matching file names and
sorts the list by file name and extent. Thus, a
specification of PLAYBACK=B,A,D,C would result in read-
ing the specified files in the order A, B, C and D. If
the file name given for PLAYBACK is /ASK, a prompt will
appear onscreen for a file name whenever a master dis-
kette is required. PLAYBACK may be abbreviated to PL.
NOCOMMENT suppresses both the prompt for and the display of
the comment record associated with an image file. In
other words, if NOCOMMENT is used, a comment will not
be requested when an image file is created, nor will
one be displayed when an image file is "played back";
even if the image file has a comment associated with
it. NOCOMMENT can be abbreviated to NOC.
16 Command Line Syntax
Comment entry is not enabled with unregistered copies
of CopyQM. However, a comment may be added to an image
file with the ICOMMENT utility which accompanies regis-
tered copies of CopyQM.
NOSQUEEZE disables the run-length encoding used on image
files. If a very slow (PC XT-class) system is being
used, this option may significantly improve the speed
at which a diskette image file is created. However,
any disk space benefits gained by compression will be
lost. NOSQUEEZE can be abbreviated to NOS.
Blind Mode
If the BLIND copying option is specified, (see "Basic Operating
Options" above), CopyQM will attempt to determine the format of
the master diskette automatically. However, if the format of the
master diskette is sufficiently different from "normal" dis-
kettes, it may not be possible to correctly determine the format.
There are several parameters which can be used to explicitly
describe various aspects of a diskette format.
TRACKS specifies the number of tracks or cylinders to be
copied. Normally, CopyQM assumes either 40 or 80
tracks, depending on the diskette density and drive
type. However, there are some diskette formats which
use a different number of tracks. For example,
TRACKS=41 specifies that 41 tracks are to be copied.
TRACKS may be abbreviated to TR.
SIDES explicitly specifies the number of diskette sides to
be copied. Often, a single-sided format will contain
unrelated data from another system on its second side.
SIDES=1 will override CopyQM's determination that a dis-
kette is double-sided. SIDES may be abbreviated to
FIRST specifies the number of the first sector on a track.
Normally, this sector is assumed to be 1, but some dis-
kette formats use non-standard values, such as 0, for
the first sector. FIRST=128 would specify that the
first sector on a track is number 128. FIRST may be
abbreviated to FI.
Command Line Syntax 17
"Shelling Out" Between Copies
For special processing of copies, such as creation of labels, or
maintenance of a copy log, CopyQM Plus offers facilities to ex-
ecute DOS commands after each copy is written.
CopyQM Plus also has a facility for serial numbering; contact
Sydex for details about upgrading a standard license to CopyQM
CopyQM Plus offers a method to insert copy-protection informa-
tion. Contact Sydex for details.
Miscellaneous Options
Several options do not fit neatly into any of the above
categories and are described here:
CMD specifies that a CopyQM command is continued in a named
ASCII file. Within such a file, line boundaries are
ignored and a statement may be up to 512 characters
long. For example,
indicates that extra command information is contained
in the file MOREPARS. A command file may itself in-
clude a CMD option; however, a "circular" command file
structure is not detected by CopyQM and will result in
a never-ending loop.
RETRIES specifies that CopyQM writes be retried a specified
maximum number of times. For example RETRIES=13
specifies that write operations that fail may be
retried up to 13 times. Normally, write failures are
retried a maximum of three times. RETRIES may be ab-
breviated to RET.
18 Command Line Syntax
VSN requires no value and specifies that random volume
serial numbers should be placed in the boot sector of
every DOS diskette copy made by CopyQM. For this op-
tion to take effect, the boot sector of the master dis-
kette must have been generated by a DOS system later
than 4.0.
WRITEPROTECT ensures that every master diskette is write-
protected. If a master is read by CopyQM that is not
protected (either by adhesive tab for 5.25" diskettes
or protect "slider" on 3.5" diskettes), an error mes-
sage is generated and the master diskette is rejected.
WRITEPROTECT may be abbreviated to WR.
STATUS is used where diskette drives without hardware change
status lines are used. Drives without this feature are
primarily 5.25" 360K drives, though some 3.5" 720K
drives also lack the change-detection capability. If a
copy involving drives without change status lines is
attempted and the BIOS option is specified, a test for
diskette change is not made until the completion of a
copy. STATUS can be used to override this mode of
operation and specifies that drives must be checked for
status changes after a specified number of cylinders
have been written. Thus, STATUS=8 specifies that
status checking is performed after every 8 cylinders
have been written.
The COPYQM Environment Variable
Any of the above options may be assigned to the environment vari-
able "COPYQM" for use by all CopyQM sessions. However, since
the equal sign "=" is illegal inside of an environment string,
terms requiring values must use the semicolon ";" instead of the
equal sign. Thus, to specify by default that all CopyQM sessions
are to verify all data and sound a 20-second inactivity signal,
the following DOS command is used:
Command Line Syntax 19
Locating Temporary Files
In addition to the COPYQM environment variable, the variable
CQTEMP can be used to explicitly specify a drive and path to be
used to hold copy data that exceeds the limit of memory. If
CopyQM cannot find the CQTEMP environment variable, it searches
for one named TEMP. If neither variable is defined, the root
directory on the first hard disk is used. The following DOS com-
mand specifies that all hard disk overflow data be kept in the
TEMPFILE subdirectory on drive G:
Command Examples
Here are some more examples of CopyQM command lines:
Reads the master diskette in A:, writes copies in A: and B:.
Reads the master in B:, writes copies in A:.
Reads a set of master diskettes in A:, converts it to 720K
format, writes one copy of each master in B:.
Reads a master diskette in A:, produces a diskette image
file called MYFILE.
Reads a master diskette in A:, reads and compares diskettes
read in A:. No diskette writing is done.
20 Command Line Syntax
Reads a master diskette A:, writes copies in A:, skips for-
matting of the copies if possible, performs verification of
the copies by reading back copies and comparing the data
with the master. Expanded Memory, if available, will not be
Reads diskette image files whose names satisfy the file
specification of DISK* and makes three copies of each file.
Differences from Earlier Versions
Users of previous versions of CopyQM will notice many differences
in Version 3.1. A few of the more significant ones are as fol-
1. Improved display. More information has been incor-
porated into an easier-to-read display.
2. Image file embedded comments. A comment can now be en-
tered at image file creation time or added later to an
image file with the ICOMMENT utility. Image file com-
ments are displayed when the image file is read by
3. Choice of direct or BIOS interfaces. All versions of
CopyQM prior to version 3.00 directly accessed the dis-
kette controller hardware for operation. Versions 3.00
through 3.05 used the computer BIOS to accomplish the
same thing. Version 3.1 offers a choice of either the
direct or BIOS interface, with the direct interface as-
sumed to be the default. Many users have found that
the direct hardware interface provides superior perfor-
mance over the BIOS interface.
4. Persistent CQMenu options. CQMenu now "remembers" many
of the more common option choices made during previous
Command Line Syntax 21
This represents only a partial list; there are many other
changes, refinements and additions to CopyQM.
Memory Usage
CopyQM reads a master diskette or image file in one uninterrupted
pass. Because most diskette formats can hold more data than can
be contained in conventional memory on a system, CopyQM uses a
variety of methods to store the "overflow" data:
1. As much data as can be contained in conventional memory
is first read. Sufficient memory must be available for
CopyQM execution; this can be as little as 256K.
2. A test for extended memory is then performed. Extended
memory, if it is to be used by CopyQM, must be managed
by a high memory manager, such as Microsoft's
HIMEM.SYS. Unmanaged high memory will not be used by
CopyQM. If the NOXMS command line option has been
specified, no check is made for extended memory.
3. After extended memory has been filled, or if extended
memory could not be located, a test for expanded memory
is performed. Expanded memory, or EMS, must conform to
the Lotus/Intel/Microsoft Expanded Memory Specification
level 4.0 or later. If the NOEMS option has been
specified on the command line, no check is made for ex-
panded memory.
4. Finally, after expanded and extended memory have been
used, a search for an environment variable named
CQTEMP is performed. If found, it is taken to specify
a drive and directory on which a temporary file can be
created. If the CQTEMP variable cannot be located, a
search for an environment variable named TEMP is per-
formed and the drive and path specified by it is used.
If neither environment variable is found, the first
hard disk partition is used that has enough free space
available for the temporary file.
22 Differences
5. If sufficient memory or disk space cannot be located,
the master diskette or image file is rejected by CopyQM
and a NOT ENOUGH MEMORY error message is displayed.
When converting between formats, CopyQM writes a temporary image
file and then reads it back into memory. A sufficient amount of
hard disk space must be available for the temporary image file
and any overflow storage required for the master diskette image.
Diskette Image Files
CopyQM has the ability to save the information contained on a dis-
kette in the form of a hard disk file called a diskette image
file. Diskette image files contain all of the data that would be
processed in the course of a diskette copy, along with other in-
formation necessary to construct a copy. After an image file has
been created, it can be read later by CopyQM to produce copies of
the original master diskette.
Diskette image files are unlike "archive" files in that in-
dividual diskette files cannot be manipulated. However, image
files of non-DOS diskettes can be created.
WHen CopyQM options are called out using the DOS command line in-
terface, the RECORD and PLAYBACK options respectively are used to
specify creation and reading of diskette image files.
Format conversion can be performed when creating a diskette image
file, as well when reading it as a master image. In other words,
an image file corresponding to a 2.88M diskette can be created
from a 360K diskette, even though the system used to create the
file does not support 2.88M diskettes.
An on-screen editor is provided for adding comments to an image
file. Image files contain a 32-bit Cyclical Redundancy Checksum
(CRC) which is computed from the data read from the master dis-
kette. This checksum is re-computed and verified when the dis-
kette image file is read back.
Memory Usage 23
Although a limited amount of data compression is performed within
a diskette image file, it is recommended that sufficient hard
disk space be reserved equal to the capacity of the master dis-
kette when diskette image files are created.
Copying Modes
CopyQM contains logic to optimize copying of DOS and Apple Macin-
tosh high-density diskettes. A master diskette is processed by
CopyQM only as far as the highest cylinder containing active
data. While this ensures that all active data is copied, areas
of a diskette which contain erased data may not be copied. Nor-
mally, this presents no problem and the result is a fully func-
tional diskette. However, some copy-protected products may
record their protection information as erased data.
When the DOS utility DISKCOMP is used to compare a master dis-
kette with a copy, it may report mismatches when erased data from
the master diskette is compared with the corresponding areas on
the copy.
If all areas of a diskette are to be copied, "blind" mode copying
may be specified. In this mode of operation, CopyQM does not at-
tempt to interpret the data being copied and no "shortcuts" are
taken. Usually, "blind" mode is specified when a diskette was
not created by a DOS or Apple Macintosh system. However, "blind"
mode may also be used for DOS and Macintosh diskettes when it is
desired that all data contained on a master diskette be trans-
ferred to the copies.
Note that format conversion, described below, operates dif-
ferently in "blind" mode.
24 Image Files
Format Conversion
CopyQM can be used to translate one diskette format to another.
For example, a 360K 5.25" diskette can be converted to a 3.5"
1.44M diskette. This conversion can be specified by a CQMENU
menu choice or by the CopyQM CONVERT command-line option.
WHen DOS diskettes are being copied, CopyQM adjusts track sizes
and File Allocation Table (FAT) lengths and updates the informa-
tion contained in the boot sector. The resulting combination of
active data and new system tables must fit on the new format
specified. Thus, a 1.44M diskette containing less than 360K of
data can be copied to a 360K diskette.
When non-DOS diskettes are being copied in "blind" mode, conver-
sion is performed differently. Data from the master diskette is
"re-packed" to fit the new track size; no other adjustments are
A special case occurs when conversion of a DOS 1.2M or 1.44M
master to a 2.88M format is specified. Because of limitations in
the conversion process, the result will exhibit only 2.04M of
available data space, rather than the entire 2.88M.
CopyQM also supports non-conversion copies between some formats.
This capability, undocumented in previous versions, allows copy-
ing of some smaller formats to larger ones without any processing
of the data. For example, a 1.2M 5.25" diskette can be copied to
a 1.44M 3.5" diskette. The result is a 3.5" 1.2M diskette.
Copy Verification
Several methods of checking the accuracy of data are offered by
CopyQM. CQMenu offers a menu selection for each verification
By default, CopyQM checks the part of a diskette known to contain
active data for readability by reading the copy diskette and dis-
carding the data. The part of the copy not containing active
data is not checked. This corresponds to the VERIFY=DATA command
line option.
Format Conversion 25
An entire diskette can be checked for readability by specifying
the VERIFY=ALL option on CopyQM's command line. Note that the
accuracy of the copied data is not checked, but only the
readability of the data.
Read-back checks can be completely disabled by specifying
VERIFY=NONE. This option is usually selected when the speed of
the copy operation is more important than the accuracy of the
A byte-by-byte compare can also be specified by use of the COM-
PARE command-line option. Comparison is performed only on the
part of the diskette containing active data. Inactive areas can
be checked for readability only.
Checking Copies
An option not covered by a CQMenu selection alters the basic
operation of CopyQM. If the CHECK option is specified on the
CopyQM command line, copies are not formatted or written. In-
stead each copy is compared with the data from the master dis-
kette. This option is useful when the validity of a number of
copies needs to be checked against a master standard copy.
Audible Signals
CopyQM provides several audible "cues" during its operation:
1. A high-pitched "warble" that indicates that an opera-
tion has been successfully completed. This tone is
sounded after a master diskette has been read, after
after each copy has been written, and after keyboard
entries have been selected.
2. A low-pitched "beep" that signals an error condition.
This tone is sounded after unsuccessful disk read or
write operations, and when an erroneous keyboard entry
is made.
26 Verification
3. A medium-pitched "warble" that signals a need for atten-
tion. This tone can be selected as an option and is
sounded after intervals of 20 seconds of inactivity.
The command line option for this tone is NAG.
All audible signaling may be disabled by CQMenu menu selection or
by the SILENT command line option.
"Smart" Formatting
By default, CopyQM formats all copies before writing data.
However, it is possible to direct CopyQM to check for pre-
formatted media before writing. This option is available by a
CQMenu choice, or by the SMART command line option.
"Smart" mode attempts to write data without first formatting a
copy. If writing and verification succeed, the inactive area on
the copy is skipped. However, if an error is detected while writ-
ing active data, all remaining tracks on the diskette are for-
matted before being written.
"Smart" mode can result in substantial time savings over normal
format-then-write operation.
Quick Mode Copying
When copies of partially full DOS diskettes are made, a con-
siderable increase in copying speed can be obtained by specifying
the QUICK command-line option. When this option is selected,
only the part of the master diskette that contains active data is
copied or formatted.
However, when using unformatted blank diskettes, it is important
to realize that tracks at the end of each diskette will not be
formatted. This may make it impossible for users of the copies
to successfully write to the copies or duplicate them using the
This option is not available from within CQMenu.
Audible Signals 27
Display Color Set
In some instances, it may be desired that CopyQM show all dis-
plays with a black-and-white (monochrome) color palette. This
may be specified by means of the MONO command line option. This
option is not available from CQMenu, but if CQMenu is started
with the "MONO" command-line option, the monochrome color set
will be used for CopyQM also.
A monochrome color set is particularly useful when portable sys-
tems with liquid crystal displays (LCD) are used. Many of these
systems support color as shades of gray, rather than actual
colors. A monochrome color set will be found to be more readable
in this case.
Status Messages
CopyQM displays the following status messages during the process
of reading and writing diskettes:
Meaning: The drive has become not ready during reading or
writing. This is usually the result of opening the drive
door or removing the diskette from the drive. The current
read or write operation is canceled and the operation is
retried from its beginning.
Meaning: CopyQM is awaiting insertion of the master dis-
kette. If there is a diskette already in the diskette
drive, the diskette should be removed and re-inserted into
the drive to signal that the correct diskette has been in-
Meaning: CopyQM has noticed that the last diskette written
in this drive has been removed. A blank diskette may be in-
serted in the drive, but the message will not change until
CopyQM is ready to write to the drive.
28 Quick Mode
Meaning: CopyQM is awaiting insertion of the next blank
copy diskette. This message persists after the blank dis-
kette has been inserted and is changed only when writing has
begun on the drive.
Meaning: This message occurs only when CopyQM is being run
with the CHECK option. The next diskette copy to be
verified should be inserted. This message is not removed
until verification of the copy has actually begun.
Meaning: CopyQM has begun reading the master diskette and
is evaluating its structure and contents.
Meaning: The structure of the master diskette has been
determined and data is being read and stored for later writ-
Meaning: CopyQM is in the process of writing a copy. No
formatting is being performed.
Meaning: CopyQM is formatting and writing a copy.
Meaning: A diskette image file is being written to disk.
Status Messages 29
Meaning: Diskette data is being converted to the requested
Meaning: This message occurs only in CHECK mode. CopyQM is
reading a diskette copy and comparing the data with the
Meaning: CopyQM has finished reading the master diskette.
The diskette should be removed from the drive.
Meaning: The current diskette should be removed from the
drive and inserted again. CopyQM is attempting to ensure
that the diskette in the drive is, in fact, the diskette to
be copied.
Meaning: The master diskette did not read without errors.
Reading of the same diskette can be attempted again, or a
new master diskette may be inserted.
Meaning: The boot sector on the master diskette does not
conform to any DOS standard layout. If the diskette is not
a standard DOS format, it may be possible to copy the dis-
kette by specifying the BLIND option. This message may also
occur if the diskette contains a computer virus in its boot
sector. Diskettes infected with the so-called "Stoned"
virus will cause this message to be displayed.
30 Status Messages
Meaning: Not enough memory and hard disk storage could be
located to contain the data from the master diskette. It
may be possible to avoid this message by explicitly specify-
ing the location of the overflow hard disk file.
Meaning: The specified diskette image file has been read.
A blank diskette can be inserted into the drive for copying.
Meaning: The WRITEPROTECT option has been specified and the
master diskette is not write-protected.
Meaning: A diskette copy has been successfully completed
and can be removed from the diskette drive.
Meaning: Writing the diskette failed because of an un-
recoverable error. Either the wrong media type (high den-
sity instead of low density) has been used or the diskette
contains a permanent flaw.
Meaning: This message occurs only when CopyQM is being run
with the CHECK option. The diskette copy has been success-
fully verified and may be removed from the drive.
Meaning: Writing has failed on a diskette because the dis-
kette was write protected. The diskette should be re-
inserted after the diskette has been write-enabled.
Status Messages 31
Meaning: CopyQM has detected an error in the diskette image
file being read. No recovery from the error is possible.
This message can occur if a version of CopyQM prior to 2.10
was used to create the image file.
Meaning: The requested diskette image file has been written
and the master diskette can be removed from the drive.
Meaning: There was not enough hard disk space to success-
fully create the requested diskette image file. This mes-
sage also occurs when there is insufficient hard disk space
to hold temporary files when format conversion has been re-
Meaning: After the requested format conversion was per-
formed, CopyQM determined that the data from the master dis-
kette would not fit on a single diskette of the requested
The ICOMMENT Utility
ICOMMENT can be used to add comments to diskette image files or
edit comments already contained in image files. In addition,
ICOMMENT adds or re-computes the Cyclical Redundacy Checksum
(CRC) for image file data.
To run ICOMMENT, the following command format is used:
ICOMMENT file-list
32 Status Messages
Where "file-list" represents a diskette image file name or the
name of several diskette image files. Wildcard file specifiers
of "*" and "?" are allowed. In addition, the switch "/MONO" can
be used. For example, the command:
selects a monochrome color palette and processes all image files
satisfying the file specification "MYIMAGE.*".
ICOMMENT is included only with registered and Plus versions of
Specifying a Diskette Configuration
Normally, CopyQM can determine a system's configuration without
intervention. However, there are cases where add-on diskette
adapters make it impossible to accurately sense the system setup.
To determine if CopyQM has correctly sensed your system's con-
figuration, use the VIEWCONF command that is included with
If necessary, a text file, named DISKETTE.CFG can be prepared
using any text editor or word processing program in non-document
mode. This file can be placed anywhere in the DOS command search
path and will be automatically located by CopyQM.
The layout of the configuration file is straightforward. Each
line in the file begins with the letter of the diskette drive
being described, followed by a colon (:). The rest of the line
contains keywords and numeric values which specify the configura-
tion for that drive. Each item on the line is separated by one
or more spaces. In most cases, keywords can be abbreviated.
A configuration file line can contain any of the following
keywords. The minimum abbreviation for each keyword is shown in
360K (3) specifies a 5.25" 360K drive.
720K (7) specifies a 3.5" 720K drive. Most utilities also
support the less common 5.25" 720K quad-density drive.
The ICOMMMENT Utility 33
1.2M (1.2) specifies a 5.25" 1.2M drive.
1.44M (1.4) specifies a 3.5" 1.44M drive.
2.88M (2.8) specifies a 3.5" 2.88M drive.
8INCH (8) specifies an 8" drive.
Note that the drive type must be specified.
BIOS (B) specifies the BIOS drive number for the drive. The
word BIOS is followed by a a number between 0 and 127.
This number is also the same one used for the /D: parameter
when DRIVER.SYS is used to support the drive in the system's
PORT (P) specifies the base I/O port of the adapter con-
nected to the drive. The first or primary adapter is always
described by the number 3F0H (observe the "H" at the end of
a hexadecimal number.) Secondary adapters are usually ad-
dressed by the number 370H and sometimes by 360H or 3E0H.
If not specified, a PORT value of 3F0H is assumed.
UNIT (U) specifies the physical unit number of the drive on
the adapter. This unit number must be within the range of 0
to 3 and should not be confused with the BIOS unit number.
DMA (DM) specifies the Direct Memory Access channel which
services the adapter. If omitted, DMA channel 2 is assumed.
INTERRUPT (I) specifies the system interrupt which services
the adapter. If omitted, interrupt 6 is assumed.
SEEK (S) specifies the track-to-track stepping time of the
drive in milliseconds. If omitted, 6 milliseconds is as-
CHANGE (CH) specifies that the drive possesses diskette
change detection circuitry. If this term is omitted, the
drive is assumed not to support change detection. Usually,
1.2M, 1.44M and 2.88M drives have change detection cir-
cuitry; 360K, 720K and 8 inch drives do not.
34 Specifying a Configuration
DUAL (DU) is applicable for 1.2M 5.25"drives only. Some inex-
pensive secondary adapters require that 1.2M drives be con-
figured for dual-speed operation in which the spindle motor
spins at 360 revolutions per minute for high-density opera-
tion and 300 revolutions per minute for low-density opera-
tion. If omitted, normal single-speed operation is assumed.
COMPATICARD (CO) specifies that the drive is connected to a
MicroSolutions Compaticard Itm or Compaticard IItm adapter.
If the Compaticard IVtm is being used, this term should not
be specified.
DAA (DA) indicates that the drive is connected to an IBM
PS/2 Diskette Adapter/A. This adapter is present on external
drives on Microchannel systems only and is assumed not to be
A number is required to follow the following words:
A number is assumed to be a decimal value unless suffixed by the
letter "H" which indicates a hexadecimal quantity. Thus, 1000
and 3E8H refer to the same quantity.
Here is an example of a DISKETTE.CFG file:
B: BIOS 1 UNIT 1 1.2M CH
Q: BIOS 4 PORT 370H UNIT 0 360K
There are two other items which may start a configuration line.
DEFAULT: initializes the configuration to the values that would
be obtained if automatic configuration sensing were to be per-
formed. Use of DEFAULT is useful if automatic sensing has cor-
Specifying a Configuration 35
rectly sensed all but one or two drives. For example, suppose
that the configuration given above is correctly sensed, with the
exception of drive Q:. The DISKETTE.CFG file could be stated as:
Q: BIOS 4 PORT 370H UNIT 0 360K
DEFAULT must appear as the only item on a line.
NOTE: causes the remainder of a line to be ignored. Comments may
be inserted into the DISKETTE.CFG file in this manner. For ex-
NOTE: Automatic sensing gets everything but
NOTE: drive Q: connected to a special second
NOTE: adapter.
Q: BIOS 4 PORT 370H UNIT 0 360K
NOTE: This is the end of the configuration file.
Certain terms used in this document are trade marks of one or
more of the following companies: Apple Computer, Microsoft Cor-
poration, International Business Machines Corporation, Quarter-
deck, Inc., Microsolutions, Inc., Digital Research Inc., The
Software Link, Inc.
36 Specifying a Configuration